Have your say - your chance to extend the 2019 digital marketing and web survey

The Terminalfour digital marketing and web survey is the place to get insights on the latest trends and priorities in the ever-changing landscape of Higher Education web, recruitment and digital marketing.

This year we're doing things differently. If you're a HE marketing, web, recruitment or leadership professional we'll soon be inviting you to take part in the survey.

But in advance of this, we'd also like your ideas on any new topics, questions and themes you'd like it to cover.

This is your chance to steer how the report is extended to cover the burning issues you have and the insights you want for your institution.

Do you want to know more about digital investment, content strategy or student recruitment tactics across the industry? Perhaps you're curious about social media platforms and how universities are using influencers or what software institutions are using to coordinate open days and campus visits.

Questions that we have asked in the past

If you have not seen our survey in the past or need a quick refresher of questions we have asked in the past, you can view last year's survey questionnaire in full here, the survey results for 2018 here or below are some examples:

  • Which organizational goals have the most impact on defining the web strategy for your institution
  • Which of the following metrics does your institution MOST rely on to measure online success?
  • What methods of personalization do you incorporate on your website?
  • Are website accessibility improvements a strategic priority for your institution
  • Would tighter visa or travel restrictions impact your institution's ability to meet recruitment targets?


Have your say on how we extend the survey for 2019!

There are lots of ways you can submit your feedback.

You can leave a comment below, message us on linkedin, or on twitter or simply send our team an email. We'd love to hear from you and we'll do our best to accommodate your requests.


1st call for survey feedback REQ1st call for survey feedback REQ