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Thriving and Flourishing While Black and a Student: What can PWIs do?

As colleges and universities nationwide welcome a new cohort of students, the beginning of a new academic year generates a sense of anticipation. However, it is necessary to recognize the fight against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and affirmative action, which continues to dominate and has taken center stage on the educational landscape. As part of the ongoing battle, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a new law shutting diversity offices at Texas' public universities. Similarly, the higher education reforms signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis have imposed significant limitations on spending funds for diversity, equity, and inclusion programs at colleges and universities in his state. This new legislation presents a formidable barrier that hampers the ability of Black people (students, faculty, and staff) to flourish and thrive in their academic pursuits.

Agyemang Amofa PrempehAgyemang Amofa PrempehSeveral faculty members in Florida have expressed their concerns that these new higher education reforms may hinder the recruitment of faculty members and enrollment of students in state colleges or universities. For Black people to flourish and thrive, they need an environment that supports their holistic growth.

As a Black student studying on a white campus, I (Agyemang) have witnessed the challenges Black students face that hinder their ability to thrive and flourish. Black students are often the targets of microaggressions and discrimination, and they may feel like they don't belong. This can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression. These laws, approved by governors and lawmakers in states like Texas and Florida, undermine creating an inclusive campus climate and perpetuate systemic barriers that impede Black students' academic and personal growth. And targeting of faculty by groups such as Idaho Freedom Foundations does not provide a campus environment where Black people feel safe. It is essential to recognize the critical role that diversity, equity, and inclusion play in creating a robust, equitable educational environment. It is crucial to critically assess the potential impact on Black students' ability to flourish and thrive in higher education institutions.

Black Flourishing and Thriving

Black thriving and flourishing in higher education refers to the holistic and comprehensive development of Black students and employees within academic institutions. It involves creating an environment that fosters academic, personal, and professional growth while addressing historical and systemic barriers Black individuals face in education. While these terms are often used synonymously, they have slightly different meanings.

Thriving is often related to the success generated by one's effort. Flourishing is most often associated with creating and facilitating the environment for a person to be successful. So, we have learned that for Black people to thrive and flourish, it is not just about effort, as one can thrive in one aspect of life because of great effort but flounder in other areas because of inadequate conditions. However, to be holistically successful by flourishing, a person needs the right environment (i.e., people, resources, time, space, support, etc.).

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