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Republican lawmaker Dave Dobos has stepped down as vice chair of the Ohio House Higher Education Committee after revealed he lied about earning a degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which he attended in the 1970s and 1980s.

Dobos had publicly claimed to be an MIT graduate for decades, but university officials told that he did not earn a degree from the institution. Dobos has since updated his biography on the Ohio House website to remove references to the degree he was not awarded.

Dobos was elected to the Ohio House last year and had previously served on the Columbus City School Board from 1993 to 2001, including a stint as board president.

The alumni website for West High School, which Dobos graduated from in 1973, describes him as a 1977 graduate of MIT who “literally has helped hundreds of Hilltop area young people seek and gain admission to college as well as maximize their scores on college entrance exams.”