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The University of Missouri issued a statement Friday condemning a racist Snapchat post that, according to screenshots that circulated on Twitter, used a racial slur and seemingly encouraged violence toward Black people.

MU said in a statement that the post had been referred to the university’s Office of Institutional Equity and that, following a review, “the university will take appropriate action.” MU’s chancellor and the president of the University of Missouri system, Mun Choi, said in the statement, “This language is reprehensible, and we condemn any language and actions that are racist, discriminatory and hateful to our community.”

According to the tweets, the Snapchat was posted by a student who had been the president of MU’s chapter of Turning Point USA, a far-right student organization with chapters across the country; a university spokesperson could not confirm the identity of the student who posted the Snapchat, citing federal privacy laws.

A Washington Post reporter, Isaac Stanley-Becker, shared a response from Turning Point USA’s spokesperson on Twitter that said the student had “quit the club without explanation last week” and hasn’t been in contact with any members of the group since.

“This kind of language has no place at TPUSA, and we support her decision to remove herself from all involvement with that local chapter,” the spokesperson wrote.