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The ‘World for Sale’ and the Ethics of Campus Energy Use: How a book about commodities trading made me reconsider how we power our campuses.

‘The Next Supper,’ the Future of Restaurants and the Post-Pandemic University: What needs to change?

‘Out of Office’ and the Future of Higher Ed Work: Distributed, flexible and blended.



Malcolm Gladwell, Paul Simon and ‘Miracle and Wonder’: Are audiobooks evolving more rapidly than digital learning?


Smil’s ‘Grand Transitions’ and Higher Ed in 2050: How the future university will be made.



‘The Long Game’ and the Nontraditional Academic Career: Thinking about making a change?



Higher Education and ‘The Generation Myth’: Avoid jumping to easy conclusions.



‘The Super Age’ and Our Aging Higher Ed Workforce: A book for the three in 10 academic staff who are now actively thinking about retirement, and for those of us who want to figure out how to make them stay. (Or bring them back!)



Higher Ed’s ‘Collective Illusions’: How might we go about questioning some of our academic norms?



Paul LeBlanc’s Highly Persuasive ‘Students First’: How might we move to a higher education system based on learning rather than seat time?



‘The Great Upheaval’ and the Coming Learner-/Learning-Centered University: Looking backward, sideways and ahead.



The ‘Davos Man’ Hypothesis: Why it is important to look for ways to be wrong, even when talking about billionaires and economic inequality.



Reading ‘The Nineties’ as a Way of Thinking About Higher Ed’s Future: How much time did you spend at the video store?



Why Academics With No Time Should Read ‘8 Billion and Counting’: Demographics, institutions and long-term thinking.



The Case for ‘Teaching Machines’: Audrey Watters’s meticulous account of ed tech’s predigital origins.



Reading ‘Supertall’ and Imagining a Skyscraper University: What if everything a college did was designed into a single tall building?



Why I’m Talking Up ‘In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower’: The conversation about a book that I want to have with colleagues at urban universities.



3 Things Vaclav Smil Might Say About How Higher Education Really Works: Riffing on ‘How the World Really Works’.



The Hybrid Campus and ‘The Nowhere Office’: What might a book about the future of professional work tell us about the post-pandemic university?



‘Don’t Trust Your Gut’ and the Data-Driven University: Big data, self-improvement and organizational change.



Dead Malls and Future Campuses: Thoughts on ‘Meet Me by the Fountain: An Inside History of the Mall.’



How Malcolm Gladwell Could Enable a Campus Conversation of ‘I Hate the Ivy League’: Inspired by listening to the book, a brainstorm to provide free access to everyone with a .edu email.


‘The New Megatrends’ and the University of 2038: Permanent understaffing and other questions about the future of higher ed.



‘Fixer-Upper’ and Our Invisible Academic Workforce Housing Crisis: Why can’t faculty and staff find affordable places to live?



‘Disposable City’ and ‘Universities on Fire’: Reading about the coming climate catastrophe in Miami as we wait for Bryan Alexander’s new book.



Discussion Topics for Book Clubbing ‘After the Ivory Tower Falls’: A conversation guide.


Looking for the Academic Analogue to ‘Thank You for Your Servitude’: Are there nonfiction books on higher ed that are as funny as this book on the Trump presidency?


‘The Story of Work’ and the Future of the Academic Workplace: Gaining a broad and deep historical perspective on work as we think about where higher ed work might go from here.


Bradford DeLong’s ‘Slouching Towards Utopia’: An economic history of the long 20th century.



Debating ‘What Universities Owe Democracy’: An exceptionally well-timed and compellingly argued book from the president of Johns Hopkins University.



Paul LeBlanc’s ‘Broken’ and the Dream of Quality at Scale: How universities, and other organizations, can bend the cost curve while maintaining a relationship-based approach.



‘Status and Culture’ and the Academic Caste System: How culture (including higher ed culture) is formed, maintained and changed.



‘Newsroom Confidential’ and 5 Parallels Between Journalism and Academia: What newspapers owe democracy.



Consultants, Universities and ‘When McKinsey Comes to Town’: Becoming an informed academic consumer of consultant services.



‘Net Gains’ and the Slow-Motion Analytics Revolution in Soccer and Higher Ed: Can the diffusion of data-driven decision-making in the world’s most beautiful game help us think about how we run our universities?



‘Homecoming’ and the Progressive Indictment of Neoliberalism: Why I’m skeptical of books that confirm my assumptions.



‘The Middle Out’ and Neoliberal Ideas About the University: When progressive economic thinking ends at the campus gates.



Persuading Bryan Alexander (and Maybe You) to Read ‘The Skeptics’ Guide to the Future’: Warming up our higher ed futurist muscles as we anticipate the March 2023 release of Universities on Fire.


‘The Equality Machine’ and the Inclusive University: Developing a more balanced vision of the role of AI and big data on the future of higher education.



Why Academics Love Restaurant Industry Books Like ‘Your Table Is Ready’: What is that higher ed equivalent to the maître d’?

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