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A whistle-blower reported that orthodontics professors at the University of California, Los Angeles, were charging certain international students extra fees. And while an investigation found those claims had merit, and all three implicated professors subsequently resigned, the former faculty members are fighting to keep the investigation sealed, citing their privacy rights, the Los Angeles Times reported. The legal case—which refers to the professors as John Does 1, 2 and 3—is ongoing, and UCLA has not released the investigative report.

The alleged scheme reportedly involved an unknown number of Middle Eastern orthodontics residents, with the professors assuming that the students’ foreign government sponsors would cover the unauthorized fees. UCLA told the Times that upholding university “values of transparency, integrity and accountability, we engaged an external firm in 2018 to examine past use of the clinical training program at the Section of Orthodontics and have taken several steps to ensure improved adherence to School of Dentistry and university policies.” It declined further comment.