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Third-party investigators hired by Lincoln University of Missouri’s Board of Curators found no evidence that university administrator Antoinette (Bonnie) Candia-Bailey, who died by suicide earlier this year, had been bullied by the university’s president, as she had alleged in a 12-page letter to him the morning before she died, KOMU 8 reported.

Nor did the investigators find evidence that the university had failed to accommodate Candia-Bailey’s disabilities, noting that she had not worked at the university long enough to qualify for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act. The university “responded appropriately to requests for accommodation by, among other things, allowing remote work and the use of accrued leave,” according to a news release.

The investigation involved 24 interviews with Lincoln employees and board members, as well as a review of thousands of emails, text messages and other documents.

University president John Moseley, who went on paid leave shortly after Candia-Bailey's death, was reinstated after the investigation was completed. Students, alumni, employees and others had lambasted the university’s treatment of Candia-Bailey in the days and weeks after her death, with many calling for Moseley’s termination.