Fri.Sep 09, 2022

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A call for boards to divest from Uyghur genocide (opinion)

Inside Higher Ed

Dear university governing board members, American institutions of higher learning are the envy of the world and have always stood for academic freedom and been invaluable advocates for human rights. More than a year ago, I wrote to you in my former capacity as under secretary of state about the real and urgent threat to that ideal posed by the authoritarian influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

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CodePath to Expand Computer Science Education in Atlanta and Chicago

Campus Technology

CodePath, a nonprofit focused on computer science education for students in underserved communities, recently received $1 million in funding from Google to grow its programs in Atlanta and Chicago.

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Accused harasser John Comaroff returns to Harvard

Inside Higher Ed

Image: John Comaroff, Hugh K. Foster Professor of African and African American Studies and Anthropology at Harvard University, is teaching again this month following a two-year administrative leave related to sexual misconduct allegations against him. Comaroff denies all the allegations, which include forced kissing, groping, inappropriate comments and retaliation.

Advise 105
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More on Texas as a CBE Ecosystem Laboratory


In my last two posts, I wrote about the importance of ecosystem thinking when trying to change complex systems like higher education and followed it up with a specific exampthe the of core curriculum in Texas. Well, Texas is the gift that keeps on giving this week. The Texas Tribune just published a piece entitled “ Texas Could Tie Community College Funding to Outcomes.” The outline of a proposal is on the table and the final report due to the legislature in November.

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UVA students speak out against new board member

Inside Higher Ed

Image: Reckless. Insulting. Reprehensible. Beneath the bare minimum. That’s how the University of Virginia’s student government, student newspaper and a student group, the University Democrats , have described a new member of the university’s Board of Visitors, Bert Ellis, in separate but critical statements over the last several months.

Students 101
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How to Help Students Build Communication Skills

Today's Learner

Reading Time: 3 minutes Dr. Ashley Hall is an adjunct instructor at Abilene Christian University. It’s no secret that communication skills are necessary for success in the workplace. Whether a person is sharing ideas, listening to feedback from others, composing a professional email or giving a presentation, communication skills are essential. Unfortunately, new graduates sometimes struggle to make the switch from being casual communicators to polished communicators who represent themselves and

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Carnegie Mellon–Africa receives $275M investment

Inside Higher Ed

Image: Carnegie Mellon University–Africa in Kigali, Rwanda, is the only American campus on the entire continent. The graduate school has offered two-year master’s degrees through CMU’s renowned college of engineering since 2011. Yesterday, CMU, the Rwandan government and the MasterCard Foundation announced a “transformational” $275.7 million investment in the institution, and in higher education development across Africa.

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An Alleged ‘Pretendian’ Professor Resigns

Inside Higher Ed

Emily Carr University in Vancouver, Canada, hired Gina Adams, an American artist, in 2019 as part of a national effort to recruit more Indigenous students and faculty members to higher education. But Adams, who publicly claimed to have an Ojibwe grandfather who was forced into a residential school, resigned last month amid allegations that she’d faked her Indigenous heritage, according to the Vancouver Sun.

Deans 90
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Victor Valley College Cuts Textbook Costs in Half by Going Digital

Campus Technology

California's Victor Valley College is embracing a digital-first textbook model through a partnership with courseware platform BibliU.

College 52
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Ukrainian students are costly to Slovakian universities

Inside Higher Ed

Image: Universities in Slovakia have said that years of multimillion-euro cuts mean they will not be able to accept Ukrainian students this autumn, when a wave of enrollments is expected. Since the start of the Russian invasion, only a couple of hundred students from Ukraine have managed to enroll at universities in neighboring Slovakia, joining the roughly 7,000 who were there before the war, Mária ?

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#ALTc What is CDP?


Slides from my presentation at the ALT 22 conference: What is Critical Digital Pedagogy.pptx from Chris Rowell.

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Advice for managing the emotional challenges of a job search (opinion)

Inside Higher Ed

Ph.D.s can find plenty of advice about how to land a position but a lot less about how to manage the emotional challenges the process entails, writes Douglas Hannah. Editorial Tags: Career Advice Graduate students Show on Jobs site: Image Source: Tero Vesalainen/istock/getty images plus Image Size: Thumbnail-horizontal Is this diversity newsletter?: Is this Career Advice newsletter?

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Why It’s So Hard to Turn Your Dissertation Into a Book

Inside Higher Ed

Blog: University of Venus This blog post is going to focus on why revising your dissertation is such an emotionally fraught process. There’s also an exercise at the end to help you reflect on your journey from graduate student to full-fledged expert. In essence, I believe that much of the difficulty boils down to the legacies of graduate school.

Advise 78
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SUNY College Will Pay $5.2M to Fix Software ‘Disaster’

Inside Higher Ed

The Erie Community College Board of Trustees has approved spending $5.2 million to replace WorkDay, an enterprise resource planning system, according to The Buffalo News. College officials told county legislators that the system had cost the college over $12 million in platform and consulting fees over the last five years. When college officials introduced WorkDay in 2017 under then president Dan Hocoy, they had expected it to save the institution $3.7 million in subscription fees over 10 years.

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Princeton Ups What It Gives in Aid

Inside Higher Ed

Princeton University announced a major expansion of its financial aid program on Thursday. Under the expansion, most students who have family incomes up to $100,000 will not pay Princeton anything. And those with family incomes of up to $150,000 will owe only $12,500. The sticker price for tuition and room and board at Princeton is more than $75,000.

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PEN America Slams Missouri AG’s Request for J-School Emails

Inside Higher Ed

Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt is misusing the state’s open records law to violate academic freedom and chill the speech of journalists by requesting emails from University of Missouri journalism school professors, PEN America, a free speech and literacy organization, said in a statement Thursday. The Columbia Missourian reported last week that the state attorney general’s office had requested emails through the state’s sunshine law from two professors regarding their p

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The Decline of the Book Review

Inside Higher Ed

Blog: Higher Ed Gamma In a classic essay in Harper’s magazine , Elizabeth Hardwick described “The Decline of Book Reviewing.” Hardwick, a leading literary critic, novelist and short story writer, took it for granted in 1959 that the fate of authors and publishers depended on book reviews. But, she observed, spending “a Sunday morning with the book reviews is often a dismal experience.

History 64
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High School Students Optimistic About the Future

Inside Higher Ed

Current high school students are optimistic about their chances of experiencing future life outcomes, including having a well-paying career, owning a home and enjoying good health, according to a new report from ACT. The report also suggests that students believe they have many positive things to look forward to despite the challenges and stress of the pandemic.

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Oberlin Pays Out $36.6M in Long-Running Legal Case

Inside Higher Ed

Oberlin College will pay out $36.6 million to Gibson’s Bakery, closing a chapter in a legal battle that began in 2017 when the local business accused the university of damaging its reputation. The legal case stemmed from a shoplifting incident in 2016 that led to student protests and accusations of racism, with administrators joining in and the college cutting business ties with the bakery.

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Professor’s Tweet About Queen Elizabeth Is Condemned

Inside Higher Ed

The tweet of a professor at Carnegie Mellon University about Queen Elizabeth II is being condemned, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. Before Queen Elizabeth died, Uju Anya, an associate professor of second language application, tweeted, “I heard the chief monarch of a thieving and raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.

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$100K Scholarship Could Become Issue in Mayoral Race

Inside Higher Ed

A scholarship worth nearly $100,000 could become an issue in the Los Angeles mayoral race, the Los Angeles Times reported. The scholarship was awarded by the University of Southern California to Representative Karen Bass for a master's degree in social work. Bass, a Democrat, is the favorite in the mayoral race. The same scholarship was awarded to former L.A.

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Thoughts on ‘Becoming a Student-Ready College’

Inside Higher Ed

Blog: Confessions of a Community College Dean We have a running joke in the family that when someone asks why a given phrase exists or what it means, I get a thoughtful expression, put a finger in the air and say, “It’s from the French for …” The kids groan. There’s something satisfying about finding out the origin of a common phrase.

College 44
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New presidents or provosts: Bradford Chippewa Hull Johnstown Lamar Vanguard

Inside Higher Ed

Rick Esch , interim president of the Bradford and Titusville campuses of the University of Pittsburgh, has been named president of both campuses on a permanent basis. Ryan T. Hartwig , dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and professor of communication at Colorado Christian University, has been selected as vice president for academic affairs and provost at Vanguard University, in California.

Provost 42
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When Naming Legislation, Marketing Matters: Academic Minute

Inside Higher Ed

Today on the Academic Minute : Angela Bradbery, Frank Karel Endowed Chair in Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida, explains that marketing can make a big difference in politics. Learn more about the Academic Minute here. Is this diversity newsletter?: Hide by line?: Disable left side advertisement?: Is this Career Advice newsletter?