Sat.Nov 12, 2022 - Fri.Nov 18, 2022

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Judge approves Sweet v. Cardona student debt relief settlement, but likely appeal looms

Higher Ed Dive

The deal would cancel $6 billion in student loans for students who say the Education Department didn't respond to allegations 151 colleges misled them.

Students 312
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Who remembers proper students?


Jim Dickinson wonders whether personal tutoring where staff notice how well students are doing is becoming a nostalgia meme. The post Who remembers proper students? appeared first on Wonkhe.

Students 275
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A Common Mistake Academics Make With Their Personal Websites

The Academic Designer

This common mistake may be hurting your Google Search results. Is your personal academic website showing up on the 1st page when someone searches your name?

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"We Know More Than What Those Damn Tests Claim to Measure”: How Tests are Inequitable for Black and Other Minoritized Students

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

In October 2022, the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) released a new report where, again, Black students lagged behind white students on the National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) also known as the Nation’s Report Card. Specifically, in comparison to 2019, the previous assessment year, average mathematics scores for grade 4 students were lower in 2022 for American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black, Hispanic, students of Two or More Races, and white students (see [l

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Over 1,830 colleges are test-optional for fall 2023 admissions

Higher Ed Dive

At least 90 of those institutions aren’t requiring the SAT or ACT through fall 2024, according to FairTest, a group advocating for limited use of assessments.

Advocate 297
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Humanities and Social Sciences graduates hold the answers to the world’s most pressing questions


Introducing a new report from the British Academy, Ian Diamond finds humanities and social sciences graduates playing an essential role in modern society. The post Humanities and Social Sciences graduates hold the answers to the world’s most pressing questions appeared first on Wonkhe.

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New School adjuncts strike for better pay, job security

Inside Higher Ed

Image: Part-time faculty members at the New School, who are the vast majority of the university’s teaching force, walked out Wednesday to protest what they call administrative “intransigence” in contract negotiations. The part-time faculty union, which is affiliated with the United Auto Workers, says members haven’t had a raise since 2018.

Schooling 139

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Driving enrollment with multisensory experiences

Higher Ed Dive

As colleges and universities compete for a shrinking pool of students, a promising antidote to invisibility and irrelevance lies in time-tested strategies favored by viral brands: using the five senses to create experiences students will cherish, remember and favor.

College 246
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Mapping inequalities and EDI work in music higher education


Music courses represent a growing part of the higher education sector - but how representative are they? Anna Bull, Amy Blier-Carruthers, and Diljeet Bhachu have the findings. The post Mapping inequalities and EDI work in music higher education appeared first on Wonkhe.

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2022 INSIGHT Into Diversity Health Professions HEED Award Winners

Insight Into Diversity

Creating Pathways to Academic Medicine — A.T. Still University of Graduate Health Studies. The Office for Diversity & Inclusion at A.T. Still University of Graduate Health Studies (ATSU) is a founding partner of the Academic Medicine Consortium of Arizona, a group of medical schools that collaborate to identify and nurture students toward academic medicine.

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Museum Studies Program Seeks to Diversify the Field

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

Since 1804, the New-York Historical Society (New-York Historical) and its stewards have been preserving and showcasing history. For the past three years, it’s been teaching others to do the same, seeking to expand what the face of museum studies looks like. Dr. Valerie Paley Through a partnership with the City University of New York’s School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS), New-York Historical has been teaching CUNY students the ins and outs of museum operations via a graduate degree in Muse

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Federal attorneys can now recommend student loan discharges in bankruptcy proceedings

Higher Ed Dive

Officials tout new student loan bankruptcy process as more fair and accessible, but consumer advocates say much depends on how it's put in place.

Advocate 257
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Here’s how we’ll make Plan B work for Britain


Christopher Smith shares UKRI’s ongoing work on Horizon and plan B - and how universities, businesses, government, and their agencies can put collaboration and internationalism back at the heart of research and innovation. The post Here’s how we’ll make Plan B work for Britain appeared first on Wonkhe.

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The Impact of Storytelling on Learning

Campus Technology

The benefits of storytelling in teaching and learning are well established — and digital tools can help make stories more interactive, boost engagement, and convey ideas more effectively. Here's how to make the most of technology and sidestep common mistakes in the use of storytelling for learning.

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National Opinion Polls on Affirmative Action: Inflaming an Issue that is Divisive Enough

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

Since the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke case of 1978, the Supreme Court has been asked on several occasions to rule on the constitutionality of using race as one factor in higher education admissions. The Court has consistently held that diversity is a compelling interest and that race – not quotas, can be one of many factors in selecting a class of students.

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Discover concludes student loan probe

Higher Ed Dive

While the card company said it has finished its own investigation into its student loan servicing practices, it may still be subject to regulatory probes.

Students 250
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Are universities back to doing more with less?


The Russell Group's Lily Bull charts the increasing expectations and declining resources on course for higher education in coming years. The post Are universities back to doing more with less? appeared first on Wonkhe.

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Channeling Orwell, Judge Blasts Florida's ‘Dystopian’ Ban on ‘Woke’ Instruction

The Chronicle of Higher Education

By Jack Stripling. Chronicle Illustration; Getty photo. Judge Mark Walker’s ruling blocks the state’s Board of Governors from enforcing a law championed by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

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How Redesign and Faculty Training Boost the Use of Active Learning Classrooms


This case study shows how the transformation of just one traditional classroom can help jumpstart campus-wide conversations about active learning.

Faculty 135
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Illinois university to stop teaching at Wisconsin branch campus due to falling enrollment

Higher Ed Dive

A dearth of graduate students prompted Aurora University to wind down classes at its George Williams College campus. The site still has a conference center.

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Trust, Alberta, and lessons for UK research


Jonathan Grant and Kathryn Graham take a look at the innovation systems of Alberta and wonder what lessons there might be for UK universities and policy makers. The post Trust, Alberta, and lessons for UK research appeared first on Wonkhe.

Policy 245
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The Political Prophet Harvard Didn't Want

The Chronicle of Higher Education

In our age of global conflict, István Hont is finally having his moment. By Danielle Charette and William Selinger. The Chronicle, photos from Getty and Alamy. In our age of global conflict, István Hont is finally having his moment.

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WEEKEND READING: Using technology to improve graduate outcomes


This blog has been kindly written for HEPI by Charles Hardy, Education Partnerships at Handshake UK. Join Handshake at the Careers Leadership Summit on Thursday, 8 December 2022 – register here. It’s always been Handshake’s mission to create a future where the student and graduate employment market is more equitable than ever before. Handshake company was founded in 2013 by three students from Michigan Tech University who were shocked by the glaring inequalities in career opportunities for stude

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New international student enrollment surged 80% last year

Higher Ed Dive

Increases continued this fall as COVID-19 travel restrictions ease, according to a survey of more than 600 U.S. higher education institutions.

Students 249
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We can’t wait any longer to be safe(r) on campus


Rhiannon Ellis argues that after more than a decade of dawdling, it's time to broaden, deepen and accelerate the pace of change on harassment and sexual misconduct. The post We can’t wait any longer to be safe(r) on campus appeared first on Wonkhe.

Students 199
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Introductory STEM Courses Drive Out Underrepresented Female Students at Higher Rates

Insight Into Diversity

The likelihood of obtaining a college degree within the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) after receiving a low grade in just one introductory course is disproportionately lower for underrepresented female students compared to White male students, causing a diversity gap and talent loss in such fields. That finding comes from the study “Do Introductory Courses Disproportionately Drive Minoritized Students out of STEM Pathways?

Students 119
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International students return in big numbers, and here’s what they want to study

University Business

More than 948,000 international students attended U.S. colleges and universities in 2021-22, a 4% increase from the previous school year, according to the annual “ Open Doors 2022 Report on International Educational Exchange ,” released Monday by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Institute of International Education.

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Merger Watch: Mergers in higher education are global. Here are lessons for US colleges.

Higher Ed Dive

A university's size matters — mergers can boost competitiveness and student value, although they require the unwavering support of institutional leaders.

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The truth about the QAA Subject Benchmarks


The QAA's chief executive, Vicki Stott, puts the record straight on Subject Benchmarks. The post The truth about the QAA Subject Benchmarks appeared first on Wonkhe.

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Sustained DEI Efforts Lead to Greater Overall Outcomes for MUSC

Insight Into Diversity

Over the past seven years, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has continuously worked to revamp its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. Leaders throughout the institution have sharpened their focus and prioritized the enrollment and support of underrepresented students, along with improving health outcomes in underserved communities. .

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UK unis voice concerns on supporting students with dependants

The PIE News

Rising numbers of international students bringing dependants with them to the UK while they embark on their studies is leading to concerns about universities’ ability to support students and their families adequately. . Clear and prompt messaging about accommodation and advice about making preparations a long way in advance is the new modus operandi – universities are not required to provide housing for students arriving with families but are keen to support them.

Students 112
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Florida public university leaders object to proposed tenure rules tied to controversial state law

Higher Ed Dive

Officials criticized the draft policies for lacking due process and said they would in essence destroy tenure.

Policy 278
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Higher Education Postcard: Bridge of sighs


This week's card from Hugh Jones’ postbag tells a tale of cars and punts. The post Higher Education Postcard: Bridge of sighs appeared first on Wonkhe.

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Part-Time Faculty at The New School Walk Out in Protest Against Pay and Working Conditions

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

Part-time faculty at The New School walked out Nov. 16 to protest pay and working conditions, The New York Times reported. With approximately 200 demonstrators present, the strike was the result of years of tension between adjunct faculty and the private New York City school’s administration. The New School’s adjunct professors have not received a raise in four years, leaving their real earnings trailing behind inflation and down 18% from 2018, according to A.C.T.

Faculty 112
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UK and India reveal scheme for young graduates

The PIE News

UK prime minister Rishi Sunak has unveiled a scheme together with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi to allow 3,000 young Indian graduates to work and live in the UK for up to two years. The UK-India Young Professionals Scheme will be reciprocal and the launch is a “significant moment” for the two countries’ bilateral relationship, according to the UK government. “I know first-hand the incredible value of the deep cultural and historic ties we have with India,” Su

Degree 112
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How library collections can help colleges diversify

Higher Ed Dive

Academic libraries can lead institution-wide DEI goals through material acquisition and improved accessibility, according to a new report.

College 246
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“They Don’t Read My Feedback!” Strategies to Encourage Reception and Application of Course Feedback

Faculty Focus

Giving feedback in university courses allows for the provision of supportive ideas for improvement, elaboration, and/or heightened thinking as students prepare for job factors outside of their university preparation. Feedback (giving and receiving) includes a set of skills that is apparent in any job setting and that can engage people in supporting ongoing personal and professional development.

Faculty 111